Thursday, July 15, 2010


We took Brexten to the movies on Tuesday. We get to the car and all of the people that went to the Reel soccer game were getting into their cars. We wait in a line for about 20 minutes and then this Mexican guy gets in his car with this young girl and they sit there for about 2 minutes. He then decides to back out and turn around so that he can be let in. I have nothing against Mexicans as I am part Mexican but this guy was the reason to a T that Mexicans get a bad reputation.

The jerk pulls up and has his windows down and is blaring some teeny bopper hip hop music. He then proceeds to almost hit me and the car in front of me. He was only 1-2 inches away. Chad starts chewing him out and the guy is just being a jerk. I was about ready to drag him out of his car and set him straight right in front of his trashy girlfriend. I held my tongue but I wanted to tell him to get his butt back across the border.

He then gets in front of me and I let him so that I would not have to deal with a new car seat and all and being even more pissed to be in an accident and then he keeps bumping the breaks to try and get me to hit him so I honked my horn at him. He is so lucky I held back as he really pissed me off. It takes a lot to get me mad but when my child's safety is in jeopardy the cobra snake comes out and watch out because you might get bit.

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