Saturday, July 17, 2010

This weekend

Today I cut Brexten and Chad's hair and Cambria and I got ours cut at the salon. Now will all stay cool in the summer sun. It is easy to use the clippers on the guys but it is too hard to cut my own hair and Cambria doesn't still still enough for me to cut hers as much as it was cut due to a scissor episode so now it is fixed.

Yesterday we enjoyed some time at a park having a BBQ with some friends from our ward that we had been invited to. We all had a lot of fun. The kids just took off for the play ground and were more interested in that than eating.

This morning Cambria and I dressed up as pioneers and went to the primary activity. There were games. stories, and music. She had a lot of fun learning about pioneers while I helped out with one since I am a teacher in the primary.

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